You probably imagine Seattlites getting fit outdoors. Climbing mountains. Running trails. Biking right in front of your car. And we do all of this - during our annual 3 months of sunshine.
When it gets cold some like to take it inside, and for me HOT YOGA is the next best thing to a sunny day.

[photo: corepoweryoga]
I LOVE hot yoga.
I've never had an experience like it.
I mean, the first thing you want to do is just rip all your clothes off. But as soon as you realize you would still be just as hot, it becomes a kind of a mind game you play with yourself. No one is allowed to leave the room until the instructor says "Namaste", but you can lay down on your mat and reconnect with your breath as long as you need to. You won't want to. Not just because of the social pressure, but simply because of how good it feels to push your mind and body past where it is naturally inclined to go.
And then, as you are realigning your body through the poses and increasing your circulation and blood flow, you will also be sweating like a mad wo/man as all the toxins and junk in your body flow out through your pores. And finally you leave, take a shower, drink a liter of water, and feel very strong and poised- inside and out. Helpful Hints: Bring your own towel, mat & water bottle, unless you want to rent/buy them there. Don't eat for at least 2 hours before hand, and don't wear any lotion! *Slippery when wet*

[photo: body rituals]
3 of my favs
Hot Yoga Inc. has a special offer 10 classes for $10
[6 locations]
Urban Yoga Spa is offering an unlimited week for $25
[Belltown, Seattle]
CorePower Yoga is offering a week free!
[national brand]