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Pardon My French Interview with Ingrid

Yesterday I was interviewed by Ingrid De La Mare Kenny about what it’s like being an actor, and my struggle trying to stay thin for the camera. We're talking food trends and how dieting can actually cause you to gain weight! Fun fact, your hormones are more in control of what you weigh than you are. I also love this episode because Ingrid talks about how to tune out all the conflicting voices of the diet industry (which are fighting for your hard earned dollars -- not your health), how to listen to your body, eat intuitively, and have a sexy and satisfying relationship with food. It's her easy to swallow, no nonsense guide to French gangster chic. Warning: Explicit, if you have small children make sure they're out of earshot

Pardon My French Podcast with Ingrid De La Mare Kenny

Listen to the Interview here

Pardon My French Podcast, episode 19

One of the tips I mention in this podcast is Intermittent Fasting. You can read all about it here. It's basically just skipping breakfast, which is an easy way to help your metabolism rest and reset. Instead of breakfast, I drink a glass of mineral water (I enhance mine with NUUM electrolytes, they taste amazing) and a large cup of coffee infused with inulin. Inulin's a prebiotic fiber powder you can add to any liquid that helps you digest food and feel full. I also add maca, garam masala, nut milk and a few drops of stevia for taste. Tap here for my indulgent morning coffee routine.

I only fast around 14 hours, from 9pm to 11am. Some days I go longer, but if I wake up especially hungry, I eat a piece of sprouted toast and local butter with my coffee. You really have to listen to your body on this one. If you starve yourself your cortisol levels will rise causing you to store more fat. Lowering cortisol is key to losing weight and feeling amazing. And the best way to do it is to slow down, relax, and let every bite bring you pleasure.

Workout with Ingrid here

Simply Inulin Fiber via The Method, Ingrid De La Mare Kenny

Listen to the Pardon My French Podcast here

I'm sure you can relate to the struggle. Whether or not you're an actor or model, we're all on camera via iPhone or android. Posing for perfect strangers. Photoshopping our figure and propositioning approval from others. And then we see ourselves as we are, in real life, and something happens. We feel that we're not as we should be. And instead of loving ourselves in our natural state, we try to modify ourselves into the photoshopped and filtered apparition we created online.

I wish I knew how to measure up. I don't. But I do know that if I can't fully love myself for who I am, I can't expect anyone else to either.

Shannon Razzaghi aka Shrazzi

share your thoughts?

xx shrazzi


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